Appealing to the Last Shreds of Reason on the Radical Left

An Open Letter

Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
3 min readJan 12, 2021
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Imagine, if you can, a world where the Right controls most of the major cultural institutions of the country. Think Hollywood, the news, social media, education, sports, etc. Maybe you already think they do and think they should control them less. In such a case, try imagining your side wins the cultural battle and takes over these institutions, but then they are taken back by the Right. Then, imagine the Right wins a massive election and takes control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Presidency.

Now, think about all that power. They have so much influence over the country. They can do almost anything. What do they do?

Perhaps they say it’s not enough power. After all, there are still millions of people who disagree with their ideas. They can’t have those people messing things up by expressing their disapproval. What if they convince others and the Right loses their power next election? No, that won’t do at all. And so here’s what they do:

They use their cultural power to enforce their values and punish anyone who disagrees with them, or even just their methods of achieving them. In fact, they decide that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a Communist. The Right is perfect after all, and aren’t Communists the opposite of perfect?

Now that those who disagree with them are Communists, surely they can’t let them have any free expression at all. “What! Would you defend literal Communists!? Communists need to be silenced at all costs because they pose an unacceptable danger to the country and the people. Yes! All 81 million of them! Probably even more!”

So Hollywood, the news, and sports dedicate themselves to shaming the Communists. Schools teach kids how to be an anti-Communist, by being on the Right obviously. And social media work hard to censor anyone who might be threatening the Right’s power, because if they’re threatening the Right’s power then they must be Communist.

Seeing this trend and not wanting to be the oddball out in a group of anti-Communists, other businesses also begin restricting what services Communists can access. Banks stop providing loans to Communists or approving transactions that seem Communist in nature. Internet providers take down all Communist websites. Airlines don’t let Communists fly. Etc.

But even all this isn’t enough for the Right. There’s still that issue of potentially losing power next election. So, they come up with a plan. They pack the Supreme Court full of Right-leaning judges; not only will this protect the constitutionality of what’s coming next, but it also ensures that if a Communist ever gets into power everything they do will be unconstitutional. Next, they add Right-Leaning states to the nation so that they will always hold a majority in Congress. And finally, they abolish the electoral college so that it is more likely they will always win the presidency.

At last, things are the way they should be. The Right looks at their country and the power they wield over it and they think, “you know, we could probably nationalize healthcare too.”

Here is where the Radical Left comes in. If any part of the above scenario seems bad to you, then good, you at least have some sense left. Now, try stretching that sense just a little bit further and change the terms “Right” to “Left” and “Communists” to “Nazis.” See where I’m going with this?



Tyler Piteo-Tarpy

Essayist, poet, screenwriter, and comer upper of weird ideas. My main focus will be on politics and philosophy but when I get bored, I’ll write something else.